It was the summer of about 1976 or thereabouts when Dennis was one of the first in the neighborhood to get one of those new fancy string-trimmers to edge the grass. He noted what a great job it did cutting even the tall grass. It was about this time that Dennis must have had a small stroke ( TIA to us in the business ) or perhaps he suddenly lost his sanity for a brief period when he thought-its just a little string- I wonder what it would feel like on my leg? Well, Dennis came to work the next day with multiple infected lacerations and cellulitis of the leg from the weed-eater. To this day I never use my Toro string-trimmer without thinking of Dennis.
Happy Birthday Dennis. We all miss you down here in Tifton, Ga. As one of the first PAs you are still a legend to those of us who knew you and had the pleasure and fortune to work with you. I still remember your laugh and some of your funny expressions. I still find myself saying- as Dennis Bender would say for instance a "celestial discharge" or "post-on call euphoria". We all remember the times you would always show up with your guitar at parties and sing Scarborough Fair . Since I have now started playing the guitar I wish you were here so that we could play together.
Again from all of us down here in Dixie-HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Just click on the image on the right to see Dennis in action.
After reading some of the antics of Dennis and Karl back in the "60s" I now have a better understanding of how the mishap with the weedeater occurred. I just wander how I missed out on all of that.
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